New Racer Frequently Asked Questions
HHSA Racing welcomes racers with little to no experience in racing as well as more experienced racers to sharpen their skills - we have something for everyone! The simplest way to get started is to bring your boat out for a Wednesday Night Race any week from late April to Labor Day. There are many weekend races that can race with us as well. Here are the answers to common questions that new racers have.
How much does it cost to race?
When becoming a member HHSA, you select Racing as an option with the membership as an $80 add on. If you decide to race after you complete the membership registration, contact the Vice Commodore ( to update your membership.
Can I do just one race?
HHSA allows guests (anyone who isn't a racing member) in all races and they can participate in one race without paying the annual dues and/or racing fee. For more info, email the Rear Commodore of Racing
HHSA has several free races for regular members on our calendar that don't "count" as your 1 free race:
- Women's Regatta (women only skippers and crew)
- West River Race/Cruise
- Herring Bay Cup (last Wednesday night of the Season)
- A fun weekend called "Race to the Raft Up"
What type of boats race?
The HHSA Racing Fleet consists of three groups of sailboats--
- Spinnaker Racing (PHRF < 170)
- Spinnaker Cruising (PHRF >=170)
- Non-Spinnaker Racing (PHRF < 170)
- Non-Spinnaker Cruising (PHRF >=170)
HHSA racers are primarily production sailboats from 26-50 feet in length. To see a list of our current fleet, click on the 2022 Scratch Sheet
What is PHRF?
PHRF (Performance Handicapping Racing Fleet) is a handicapping system used for yacht racing in North America. It allows dissimilar classes of sailboats to be raced against each other. The aim is to cancel out the inherent advantages and disadvantages of each class of boats, so that results reflect crew skill rather than equipment superiority. For more information on PHRF, go to
PHRF of the Chesapeake.
Where does HHSA race?
HHSA races are in and near Herring Bay on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. We use a Course Book to select pre-defined race courses based on the wind direction and strength prior to the race. We have some destination races and weekend races that go outside Herring Bay. Click here to see the current
2025 Course Book.
Isn't it really expensive to race?
It can be, but it doesn't have to be! A boat that is well maintained and sailed well ("sailing your rating" as racers like to say) has a good chance of doing well in races.
How do I learn the rules?
The Racing Rules of Sailing are the basis of the rules we follow. Go to the "Member Resources" tab, then the "Training and Education" tab where you will find tons of information to get you started. You should also read HHSA's club rules which highlight the most important things to 'get you around the marks'.
Click here for the 2025 rules.
Do I need special insurance?
Probably not. Insurance companies sometime differentiate racing boats and cruising boats. Casual racing does not usually constitute a racing boat designation. Contact your insurance company to confirm your status.